Friday night in middle July

Just finished reading “We.”
My subway read. How does it end?
You know how it ends.

Like every other dystopian story.
Depressingly. Spoil alert!!
Evil wins. OneState prevails.

Big Brother and the Benefactor
come out on top. It’s pretty
fucked up. Totally predictable.

But you keep hoping.
As you turn each page you hope.
And then the end slaps you.
Such suckers we all are.
Cause there ain’t no Superman.

post #NaPoWriMo Shorts

I sing your praises
again, again,
for hipping me,
a spry, old man,
to the eternal merits
of the stainless steel
French press


Don’t worry,
it’s half decaf,
and I’m up before dawn
reading American Gods